Check Your Privilege #stopasianhate

Lena Kassa
2 min readApr 15, 2021


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in racially-motivated attacks against the Asian community in the Western world.

I live in the Netherlands. In response to the Atlanta shootings, a number of interest groups of Asian descent organized the first demonstration in Amsterdam. Their intention was to raise awareness about hate crimes against Asians in the Netherlands.

On 18 March 2020, NH Nieuws reported that a residence in Diemen was smeared with words reading “Kankerchinees corona” (“cancerous Chinese corona” in English). This is only one of many racial discrimination cases.

Luckily, I do not have to be afraid of strangers blaming the coronavirus on me as I have my so-called white privilege. White privilege is “the set of social and economic advantages that white people have by virtue of their race in a culture characterized by racial inequality”. In a world where white supremacy rules, I am lucky to be born white.

“Being privileged is not a choice, but how you use your privilege is always a choice.”

- Farida D.

Stop Asian Hate Protest in Amsterdam, April 10 2021

Last week I visited the protest in Amsterdam to show my support. I know that alone is not enough. I am currently learning about different ways to effectively help combat anti-Asian violence. Leave me a comment with suggestions! Any resource/book/research paper suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

If you benefit from privilege, use that privilege to help those that are not so lucky. Let us amplify the Asian communities’ voices and #stopasianhate together!

“Accountability will feel like an attack if you are not living into the work of becoming actively anti-racist.”

- Myisha T. Hill



Lena Kassa

A fellow TCK who enjoys sharing experiences of what it is like to be a diplomat's child